What is the Goal of Complex Cell Coding in V1?


A long standing question of biological vision research is to identify the computational goal underlying the response properties of sensory neurons in the early visual system. Some response properties of visual neurons such as bandpass filtering and contrast gain control have been shown to exhibit a clear advantage in terms of redundancy reduction. The situation is less clear in the case of complex cells whose defining property is that of phase invariance. While it has been shown that complex cells can be learned based on the redundancy reduction principle by means of subspace ICA [Hyvärinen& Hoyer 2000], the resulting gain in redundancy reduction is very small [Sinz, Simoncelli, Bethge 2010]. Slow feature analysis (SFA,[Wiskott&Sejnowski 2002]) advocates an alternative objective function which does not seek to fit a density model but constitutes a special case of oriented PCA by maximizing the signal to …